
Nature's Gate, 草藥混合劑,液體皂,茶樹和藍絲柏,12 fl oz (354 ml)髮旺旺


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如果你還在考慮Nature's Gate, 草藥混合劑,液體皂,茶樹和藍絲柏,12 fl oz (354 ml)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
- Sulfate Free
- Paraben Free 髮旺旺
- No Phthalates 髮旺旺
- No Sodium Lauryl/Laureth/Coco Sulfates
- No Animal Testing
- No Animal Derived Ingredients
- Cruelty Free and Vegan
Nature's Gate Tea Tree Oil & Blue Cypress Liquid Soap cleanses thoroughly and leaves hands feeling soft and pampered. Rich in certified organic botanicals of Spearmint, Licorice and Rose Hips so skin will feel silky and smooth every time you wash your hands.
- Contains Tea Tree & Blue Cypress for mild anti-inflammatory properties 床的世界
- Provides rich, abundant lather
- Leaves hands feeling clean and silky-soft
Nature's Gate, 草藥混合劑,液體皂,茶樹和藍絲柏,12 fl oz (354 ml)髮旺旺

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