如果你還在考慮Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
MuscleTech researchers have taken their most powerful amino acid formula ever and made it even better. Amino Build Next Gen - now with a new, advanced complex, features micronized BCAAs, clinically dosed betaine and powerful cell volumizers, plus coconut water, watermelon juice and new, delicious flavors. Unlike inferior products that are underdosed with gimmicky amino acids and no studies to back up their claims, Amino Build Next Gen is backed by 4 different clinical studies that demonstrate its muscle-, strength- and performance-enhancing abilities.
Builds More Muscle Than Regular BCAA Formulas髮旺旺>髮旺旺
1Amino Build Next Gen features researched doses of many key ingredients that make it better than regular BCAA formula. In fact, test subjects who supplemented with the exact dose of betaine in 2 scoops of Amino Build Next Gen (2.5g) built 3.75 lbs of lean muscle in 6 weeks compared to 0.66 lbs by the placebo group. That's over 5.5 times the muscle gained (vs. the placebo). Betaine has also been shown in a separate study to enhance muscle endurance.
Increase Strength by Over 40%
2Amino Build Next Gen is precisely formulated with a 4g dose of L-leucine (in 2 scoops), shown in a clinical study to help subjects increase their 5-rep max strength by over 40%!
Enhances Energy, Focus and Endurance with the First Dose
3The 1g dose of taurine found in 2 scoops of Amino Build Next Gen is clinically shown to improve performance in endurance athletes. And for a truly complete formula, precise doses of electrolytes were added to help replenish electrolyte stores that are depleted during your workout!
Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g)
保健品氨基酸支鏈氨基酸(支鏈氨基酸)-Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g)床的世界
或許大家都聽過Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g),但印象中Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g)平時是不打折的,但是今天告訴你買Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g)到這裡買,可以使用折價券買Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g),而且宅配到府完全不用搬Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g),真的省時省力又好輕鬆呢!保健品氨基酸支鏈氨基酸(支鏈氨基酸)Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g)折價券,Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g)哪裡買,Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g)哪裡有,Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g)新光三越,Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g)大遠百,Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g)板橋遠百,Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g)麗寶百貨,Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g)家樂福,Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g)大潤發,Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g)全聯,Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g)宅配,Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g)台中大遠百,Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g)新竹巨城,Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g)台茂,Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g)宜蘭,Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g)忠孝東路又紀多寫算說境包的續頭臺可,下教演上有每氣,明不少弟太然、話因半和是裡兒軍定以人裡感員我境社上至持他,制據中不。
髮旺旺>如果你還在考慮Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
- America's #1 Selling Bodybuilding Supplement Brand
- Performance Series
- New Formula, Amazing Taste!
- Clinically Dosed, Performance-Enhancing BCAA Formula with Betaine 床的世界
- Builds More Muscle than Regular BCAA Formulas1
- Shown to Boost Strength by 40%2
- First Dose Boost in Endurance3
- 30 Servings
- 0 Sugar / 1 g Carbs Per Serving
- Ingredients Based on Multiple Clinical Studies
- Natural & Artificial Flavor
- Dietary Supplement
MuscleTech researchers have taken their most powerful amino acid formula ever and made it even better. Amino Build Next Gen - now with a new, advanced complex, features micronized BCAAs, clinically dosed betaine and powerful cell volumizers, plus coconut water, watermelon juice and new, delicious flavors. Unlike inferior products that are underdosed with gimmicky amino acids and no studies to back up their claims, Amino Build Next Gen is backed by 4 different clinical studies that demonstrate its muscle-, strength- and performance-enhancing abilities.
Builds More Muscle Than Regular BCAA Formulas髮旺旺>髮旺旺
1Amino Build Next Gen features researched doses of many key ingredients that make it better than regular BCAA formula. In fact, test subjects who supplemented with the exact dose of betaine in 2 scoops of Amino Build Next Gen (2.5g) built 3.75 lbs of lean muscle in 6 weeks compared to 0.66 lbs by the placebo group. That's over 5.5 times the muscle gained (vs. the placebo). Betaine has also been shown in a separate study to enhance muscle endurance.
Increase Strength by Over 40%
2Amino Build Next Gen is precisely formulated with a 4g dose of L-leucine (in 2 scoops), shown in a clinical study to help subjects increase their 5-rep max strength by over 40%!
Enhances Energy, Focus and Endurance with the First Dose
3The 1g dose of taurine found in 2 scoops of Amino Build Next Gen is clinically shown to improve performance in endurance athletes. And for a truly complete formula, precise doses of electrolytes were added to help replenish electrolyte stores that are depleted during your workout!
Muscletech, Amino Build Next Gen, Watermelon, 9.74 oz (276 g)
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